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3 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — albrightdental @ 4:47 pm
Woman in dentist chair looking in a mirror while the dentist stands behind her with purple gloved hands

If you have imperfections in your smile, whether major or minor, you might be considering cosmetic dentistry to address them. There are a variety of options that can brighten and straighten your pearly whites, as well as fix cracked, chipped, or damaged teeth. However, It’s possible that you’ve hesitated to seek treatmentif you aren’t sure what to expect, or feel that cosmetic dentistry is mostly superfluous. Keep reading to learn about three common myths and the truth behind them!

Myth #1- Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments Are Purely Aesthetic

This is false! Though fixing visual imperfections is certainly an important aspect of cosmetic dentistry, treatments can do a lot to contribute to your oral health. Take veneers, for example. These durable porcelain shells are affixed to the front of your teeth to cover any noticeable flaws like chipped or discolored teeth. While this does indeed enhance your appearance, veneers also serve to protect already minorly injured teeth from additional harm.

Similarly, dental implants can replace gaps in your gums from lost teeth to restore the appearance of your smile. They also stimulate your jawbone so that it does not begin to reabsorb surrounding bone mass, which keeps your entire mouth healthy and strong.

These are just a couple of examples that demonstrate how cosmetic treatments benefit more than just your looks!

Myth #2- Cosmetic Dentistry Weakens Teeth

It’s true that there are some procedures, like teeth whitening, that can eventually wear down the natural enamel of your teeth if they are over-used. However, this often is more applicable to those attempting at-home remedies with over-the-counter products. If you have cosmetic work done by a professional like your dentist, they will take the time to evaluate the state of your smile first, so that they don’t recommend any service to your detriment. Their goal is to improve your oral health, not detract from it!

Myth #3- My Smile Is Beyond Repair

Some individuals who have imperfections in their teeth go great lengths of time before seeking solutions for whatever reason. In some cases, they may feel too self-conscious about the state of their teeth and avoid seeing a dentist. Others might believe that there couldn’t possibly be options that could fix it.

Even if in the past there weren’t any feasible options to address those concerns, that may no longer be true today! Advances in dental materials, methods, and technologies have led to options that simply didn’t exist until more recently. Take Invisalign, for example. Clear braces that fit over your teeth became as effective an orthodontic solution as the more traditional metal braces- all due to the development of the SmartTrack material.

If you have always dreamed of perfectly white, straight teeth, then now is a great time to explore your options! Don’t let these 3 common myths keep you from gaining the perfect smile of your dreams. Reach out to your dentist today to discuss how you can achieve the happy, healthy smile you deserve with cosmetic dentistry!

About the Author

Dr. Jason Kaopua has over two full decades of experience in the dental field. He completed his undergraduate degree at BYU in Hawaii and then pursued his doctorate at Oregon Health & Sciences University. Now, he has completed advanced training in a variety of dental disciplines, including sleep apnea, BOTOX, dental implants, Invisalign, Lumineers, and more. If you’re interested in making an appointment to perfect your smile, feel free to contact the office on the website or by calling (425) 267-3333.

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